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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Architecture / SBP 448 - Kentsel Kimlik ve İmge

SBP 448 - Urban Identity and Image

Course Objectives

1.To explain the concept of perception, cognition, image and identity
2.To explain place identity and urban identity and comprehend the elements of urban identity
3.To compose image and identity map, and learn how to use them on urban planning work.
4.To discuss the dilemma of global and local identities
5.To assess the issue of urban identity with case studies

Course Description

Conceptual analysis of man-environment interaction, perception, cognition, urban culture, image, identity, place identity and urban identity. The elements of urban identity base on natural, social and man-made environmental entities. Relationship between urban morphology and urban identity. Controversy forces of global and local identity and its spatial reflections. Shaping image and identity map which to be used on the urban planning works. Research on the issue of urban identity with case studies

Course Coordinator
Mehmet Ocakçı
Course Language
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