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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yüzey Kimyası ve Kolloidler
English Surface Chemistry and Colloids
Course Code
KMM 459 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ömer Şahin
Course Objectives To identify surface chemistry concept and colloidal systems, to provide information relevant adsorption isotherms and solid-liquid interfaces
Course Description Surface chemistry, Phase rule and phase diagrams, Binding forces between molecules, Surface tension of solutions, Solid-liquid interfaces, The concept of adsorption and isotherms, Colloidal systems
Course Outcomes 1. To describe and categorize disperse systems
2. To define the binding forces between molecules
3. To define surface chemistry and colloids
4. To inform about adsorption isotherms and its thermodynamics
5. To occur the events between the surface and interface
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