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DNK 201 - Dynamics

Course Objectives

1. To enable students to construct idealized (particle and rigid body) dynamical models and predict model response to applied forces using Newtonian Mechanics.
2. To teach description and prediction of motion experienced by inertial and non-inertial observers and central force motion.
3. To teach the basic principles of 2-D rigid body motion.
4. To introduce the equations of motion of 3-D rigid bodies.
5. To teach a simple vibration analysis of rigid body.

Course Description

Definitions and principal axioms. Kinematics of particiles. Linear, plane and general motions. Relative motion. Kinetics of particles. Newton’s laws. Impuls and momentum principle. Work and Energy. Motion with resistance. Central-force Motion systems of particles. Collision. Variablesmass. Kinematics of Rigid Bodies. Kinetics of Rigid Bodies. Work and Energy, Impulse and momentum. Fixed-Axis rotation of rigit body. Plane motion of rigid body. Vibration of rigid body . Relative motion.

Course Coordinator
Hacı İbrahim Keser
Course Language
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