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Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 Introduction to the course. Concepts of information technologies, information, data, system, information systems etc. Spatial information systems.
2 What is Geographical Information Systems (GIS)?, Historical development of GIS, and the importance of GIS in our life.
3 GIS's roots. Main functions and components of GIS. How GIS basically works.
4 Maps as numbers. Vector and raster data model. Concepts on geographical entities.
5 Getting the Map into the Computer. Data collection techniques and data quality in GIS. Errors in GIS. Metadata.
6 What is Where? Spatial Analysis in GIS; Spatial queries. Proximity and buffering analyses. Clip, erase, updating, edge-matching, dissolving, rubber-sheeting etc. operations.
7 Why is it There? Spatial Analysis in GIS; Overlay theories and operations. Union, identity, intersect, etc. Network analysis in GIS. Digital elevation systems and 3D analyses in GIS.
Term Homework starts
9 Making maps with GIS. Data output and display process in GIS. Presentation of results and map design components. Hardware utilities. Data storage units.
10 How to pick a GIS. System design and strategies in GIS. Project management and financing in GIS. Software and hardware systems in GIS
11 GIS in action. The use of GIS in cadastral-based, infrastructure, urban, agricultural, forestry, business areas, etc. National / international GIS organizations and activities.
12 The Future of GIS. Latest developments in GIS area. Internet GIS applications and developing GIS techniques.
13 Presentation of team works. Examining term homework and discuss working steps.
14 Presentation of team works / term homework.
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