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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Uygulamalı Makina Projesi
English Applied Machine Design
Course Code
MAK 403E Credit Lecture
Semester 7
2 1 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Hacı Abdullah Taşdemir
Course Objectives 1. To introduce importance of design by living in all processes from design to manufacturing
2. Improving creativity and innovation abilities
3. To win the ability of using engineering and design knowledge to application in a special
4. To introduce students to the searching methods for a completely new and innovative design
5. To introduce students to the team working
Course Description Introduction to design, Design methodology, Design phases, Demands lists, Function structure forming, Solution search methods, Functional synthesis, Finding multiple solutions for a special problem, Selection of the most suitable solution and designing the project. Presentation and discussions on the project, Manufacturing phase, Test phase, Contest.
Course Outcomes The students who pass the course:
1. Be familiar with the design phases and paces
2. Get ability of solution search methods for completely new and innovative design
3. Application of basic engineering and design knowledge to a new subject
4. Application of material selection and manufacturing knowledge to a new design
5. Making a new design project and presenting it in front of a jury
6. Improving of creation ability of design working required
7. Improving of manufacturing ability of a technical system/machine/apparatus which perform the given subject
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. Tasarım Sistematiği, Lütfullah ULUKAN, Ders Notu, 1990.
2. Engineering Design, Gerhard PAHL, Wolfgang BEITZ, Springer, London,1996.
3.Engineering Design, Vladimir HUBKA, Heurista, Zurich, 1992.
4.The Practice of Machine Design, Yotaro HATAMURA, Yoshio
YAMAMOTO, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1999.
5.Handbook of Mechanical Engineering, Heinrich DUBBEL, Ed. W. BEITZ and.H. KÜTTNER, Springer-Verlag, London, 1994. (Part E)
6.Engineering Design, George E. DIETER, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1991.
7.The Mechanical Design Process, David G. ULLMAN, McGraw-Hill, New
York, 1992.
8.Machine Design Fundamentals, Joseph E. SHIGLEY, Charles R. MISCHKE,McGraw-Hill, New York, 1989
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