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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Dizgi Algoritmaları
English String Algorithms
Course Code
BBL 537E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Muhammed Oğuzhan Külekci
Course Objectives 1) Gaining knowledge on algorithms and data structures aiming efficient search on massive volumes of data
2) Understanding the applications of string algorithms pertaining to computational biology, information retrieval, search engines, bioinformatics, forensic analysis, database systems, and etc.
Course Description The basic algorithms and data structures used on one dimensional textual data processing, single/multiple exact/approximate pattern matching, text indexing, automata-based string searching, dynamic programming, edit distance computation, alignment, detection of common subsequences in between strings
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course knows
1) the fundamentals of text searching algorithms,
2) the fundemental on-line string searching algorithms,
3) the algorithms for regular expression matching,
4) suffix trie/tree/array data structures, and use them for pattern matching problems,
5) the Burrows-Wheeler transform and its usage as an index,
6) word based indexes and inverted index,
7) how to compute the common subsequences in a string collection,
8) dynamic programming and the edit distance between two strings,
9) approximate searching of a pattern.
Required Facilities
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