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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Veri Toplama ve Sinyal İşleme
English Data Acquis.&Signal Processing
Course Code
MTA 551E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 3 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Erdinç Altuğ
Erdinç Altuğ
Course Objectives to introduce various types of hardware used in a typical measurement chain,

to provide practical knowledge and experience on sampling theory, resolution and accuracy.

to provide practical knowledge on data acquisition and setting up a measurement system using modern tools.

to teach main signal processing techniques both in time and frequency domains.
Course Description Introduction to data acquisition and signal processing. Types of signals. Components in the measurement chain. Sampling theorem, Resolution and accuracy. Time Domain Processing: Statistical analysis, correlation, convolution and digital filtering. Frequency Domain Processing: Fourier series, frequency resolution and windowing, Discrete Fourier analysis, aliasing, autospectrum, cross spectrum, Coherence, Frequency Response (Transfer) Function, Digital Filtering.
Course Outcomes fundamental knowledge about the elements of measurement chain,

ability to design an experiment and to select the ‘right’ hardware for the purpose,

theoretical and practical knowledge about modern signal processing techniques and the ability to use them.

ability to interpret the measured or processed data and to report the results.
Required Facilities
Other References Stearns S. D. and David, R. A., Signal Processing Algorithms in Matlab, Prentice-Hall Inc, 1996
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