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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Elektrik Şebekelerinin Bilgisayarla Korunması
English Computer Relaying for Power Systems
Course Code
ELK 508E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ömer Usta
Course Objectives 1. Basic principles of power system protection.
2. Computer relay hardware and software.
3. Intelligent electronic devices and automation.
4. Mathematical background of computer relaying.
5. Protection algorithm and transmission line relaying.
6. Protection of transformers, machines and buses.
7. IEC61850 communication standart and full automated power systems.
Course Description Basic principles of power system protection. Introduction to computer relaying; microprocessor based relay hardware and software. Filtering and algorithmic design. Intelligent Electronic Devices (IED): Metering, monitoring, protection, operation control, recording, self checking, communications and automation. Mathematical bases of computer relaying; digital filtering, spectral analysis and random variables. Digital protection of transmission lines; waveform and differential equation algorithms. Protection of transformers, machines and buses. Integrated system hardware. IEC61850 communications standard and power system automation.
Course Outcomes 1. Understanding the general philosophy &fundamentals of power system protection.
2. Understanding the general philosophy and fundamentals of computer relaying.
3. Understanding the concept of IED and automation
4. An ability to design computer relaying algorithm.
5. An ability to design relaying systems for power system protection.
6. Understanding data communication and full automated power systems.
Required Facilities
Textbook A.G. Phadke and J.S. Thorp “Computer Relaying for Power Systems’’, Wiley Publications, 2009.
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