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CBM 626E - Health-Related Risks of Environmental Facilities

Course Objectives

1. Transfer of knowledge to students on health, epidemiology and microorganisms
2. Providing the necessary knowledge to students related with microorganisms and their surviving conditions in natural environment and environmental facilities
3. Transfer of knowledge on preventing spread of diseases
4. Inform students on fundamentals and prevention of spreading diseases and discussions on improvement of conditions and studies in developed countries
5. Introducing to students new emerging microbial diseases related to technological developments

Course Description

Framework of public hygiene, inhabitable, sustainable natural environment and prospective epidemiology; human diseases related to water and sanitation: which diseases? How are they transmitted in our urban environment? How can sanitary engineers help to prevent this? Emerging diseases from wastewater treatment systems, biological sludges, sanitary landfills or other environmental facilities. Preventions of diseases and transmissions, options for improvement of health in developing countries are discussed. Much attention is paid to "new" water related infections like legionellosis, SARS, gastro-enteritis viruses and parasites etc.

Course Coordinator
Süleyman Övez
Course Language
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