Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / İnşaat Fakültesi / CEV 203E / Dersin Haftalık Planı

Dersin Haftalık Planı

Hafta Konu
1 LECTURE Program
DERS Programı
Week01 • Introduction to Microbiology
• Cell Structure and Evolutionary History
Week02 • Bacteria-I: Structures and Properties
Week03 • Bacteria-II: Structures and Functions
• Archaea: Structures, Properties, Functions

Tutorial on TPA (term project assignment)
Week04 • Eukaryotic Cell Structure and Function
• Eukaryotic Microorganisms-I: Protists
Week05 • Eukaryotic Microorganisms-II: Fungi and Algae*
• Viruses
Week06 • Biochemical Macromolecules-I: Elements, Bonds, Water
• Biochemical Macromolecules-II*: Polysaccharides, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic acids
Week07 • Essentials of Anabolism
• Photosynthesis*
• Fundamentals of Microbial Metabolism (incl. enzymes and enzymatic reactions)
• Microbial Growth*
Week08 • Trophic Classification
• Glycolysis, Fermentation
Week09 • Krebs Cycle
• Electron Transport System (Oxidative Phosphorylation)
Week10 • Aerobic/Anaerobic Respiration
Week11 • Water and Wastewater Microbiology
Week12 • Microbiology of Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems (Activated Sludge –AS- Microbiology)
Week13 • Natural Microbial Ecosystems*
• Soil and Air Microbiology
Week14 • Bioremediation
2 LAB Program
LAB Programı
Week01 All: Laboratory orientation and safety instructions
HW: sampling from natural environment and culture development for wet-mounting exercise
Week02 Group1: Light microscopy, aseptic technique, wet-mount slide preparation, examination of eukaryotic microorganisms (W&WW microbiol)
Week03 Group2: Light microscopy, aseptic technique, wet-mount slide preparation, examination of eukaryotic microorganisms (W&WW microbiol)
**TPA: (Term Project Assignment): assignment
Week04 All: Simple staining
**TPA-I: start-up (t=0w)
Week05 All: Differential (Gram) staining
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=1w)
Week06 All: Analysis of anaerobic microorganisms: gas production by acetoclastic methanogenic Archaea (specific methane activity test (SMA test))
(Prep of growth medium for VCC)
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=2w)
Week07 Group2: Viable Cell Count: Spread plate and pour plate techniques and counting
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=3w)
Week08 Group1: Viable Cell Count: Spread plate and pour plate techniques and counting
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=4w)
Week09 All: Sampling from nature (lichens from inert and live surfaces), macro, micro inspection
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=5w)
Week10 Lab tutorial
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=6w)
Week11 ALL: Indicator microorganisms for receiving water quality (membrane filtration)
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=7w)
Week12 ALL: Examination of AS biomass – macro and micro structures (SVI, filamentous m.o., flocks, Gram staining)
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=8w)
Week13 **TPA-III: ending the experiment: Open the Winogradsky columns in the lab, macro and microscopic investigation of min. three layers of the column: collect data, make raw recordings (written notes and photos) (t=9w)
Week14 **TPA-IV: TPA team report submission

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