Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / İnşaat Fakültesi / CEV 203E / Dersin Haftalık Planı

Dersin Haftalık Planı

Hafta Konu
1 LECTURE Program
DERS Programı

1 03.10.2023 Introduction to Microbiology - Cell Structure and Evolutionary History
2 10.10.2023 Prokaryotic Cells-I - Bacteria: Structures, Properties and Functions
3 17.10.2023 Prokaryotic Cells-II - Archaea: Structures, Functions and Properties
Eukaryotic Cells-I - Protozoa: Structures, Functions and Properties
Tutorial on TPA (term project assignment)
4 24.10.2023 Eukaryotic Cells-II - Fungi and Algae:
Structures, Functions and Properties
Viruses: Structures and Properties
5 31.10.2023 Biochemical Macromolecules and Structures-I:
Elements, Bonds, Water,
Carbohydrates, Lipids
6 07.11.2023 Biochemical Macromolecules and Structures-II: Proteins, Nucleic Acids
7 14.11.2023 Enzymes and Enzyme Reactions,
Microbial Growth
8 21.11.2023 Essentials of Microbial Metabolism
Midterm Exam
9 28.11.2023 Essentials of Catabolism: Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle, Fermentation, Electron Transport System (Oxidative Phosphorylation)
10 05.12.2023 Aerobic Respiration, Anoxic/Anaerobic Respiration, Essentials of Anabolism, Photosynthesis
11 12.12.2023 Water and Wastewater Microbiology
12 19.12.2023 Microbiology of Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems (Activated Sludge Microbiology)
13 26.12.2023 Natural Microbial Ecosystems
Air and Soil Microbiology
14 02.01.2024 Bioremediation
2 LAB Program
LAB Programı

1. 05.10.2023 Laboratory Orientation and Safety Instructions
(All Students)

2. 12.10.2023 Light Microscopy, Aseptic Technique, Wet-mount Slide Preparation
3. 19.10.2023 Introduction to Light Microscopy,
Aseptic Technique, Preparing a Microscope Slide, Wet-Mount Sampling
**TPA: (Term Project Assignment): assignment
4. 26.10.2023 Simple Staining
(All Students)
**TPA-I: start-up (t=0w)
5. 02.11.2023 Differential Staning (Gram-Staining)
(All Students)
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=1w)
6. 09.11.2023 Analysis of anaerobic microorganisms: gas production by acetoclastic methanogenic Archaea (specific methane activity test (SMA test))
(All Students)
(Prep of growth medium for VCC)
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=2w)
7. 16.11.2023 Microbial Growth and Quantification (Viable Cell Count: Spread Plate And Pour Plate Techniques And Counting)
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=3w)
8. 23.11.2023 Microbial Growth and Quantification (Viable Cell Count: Spread Plate And Pour Plate Techniques And Counting)
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=4w)
9. 30.11.2023 Sampling from nature (lichens from inert and live surfaces), macro, micro inspection
(All Students)
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=5w)
10. 07.12.2023 Lab tutorial
(All Students)
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=6w)
11. 14.12.2023 Indicator Microorganisms for Receiving Water Quality (Membrane Filtration Technique)
(All Students)
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=7w)
12. 21.12.2023 Examination of Activated Sludge Biomass, Macro and Micro Structures (Flocs, Granules, Filamentous Microorganisms, Sludge Volume Index (SVI), Gram Staining)
(All Students)
**TPA-II: conduct, monitor, record (t=8w)
13. 28.12.2023 **TPA-III: ending the experiment: Open the Winogradsky columns in the lab, macro and microscopic investigation of min. three layers of the column: collect data, make raw recordings (written notes and photos) (t=9w)
14. 04.01.2024 **TPA-IV: TPA team report submission
Lab Final Exam
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