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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Uzaktan Algılama
English Remote Sensing
Course Code
SBP 356E Credit Lecture
Semester 6
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Adalet Dervişoğlu
Ayşe Filiz Sunar
Course Objectives 1. To provide a fundamental understanding of Remote Sensing Technology
2. To address issues associated with the urban and regional planning application of Remote Sensing
3. To provide skills for Remote Sensing and GIS integration
Course Description Introduction and Basic Concepts, Land Observation Satellites, Importance of Digital Image Processing in Remote Sensing, Image Processing System Characteristics, Image Preprocessing, Radiometric Correction of Remotely Sensed Data, Geometric correction of Remote Sensor Data, Image Enhancement, Image Classification, Supervised Classification, Merging of Images, Change Detection. Integration of Digital Data and GIS.
Course Outcomes Students who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. To use data related to different disciplines
2. To develop problem-solving methods by using remote sensing data in the planning process
3. To provide skills for oral presentation
4. To search for urban development monitoring and analysis studies based on remote sensing data
Required Facilities
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