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MIM 4902E - Diploma Project

Course Objectives

1. To present, through “a comprehensive architectural project prepared individually” that the student of the diploma project has the required knowledge in all sub-disciplines that constitute the body of architectural education, especially the field of architectural design, and that he/she has reached the desired professional maturity level.
2. In doing so, to expand the experience of design and knowledge of architecture.
3. To share this production with the architectural academia and the public through open juries.

Course Description

Development of a given project subject by considering “theme”, “site/city, history/memory and global dynamics”, “ecologic, social, public and private issues”, “technologic and cultural potentials” and “future visions”. Design and presentation of a project by conducting all the necessary “research, design and representation”. the Development of the project by applying all acquired knowledge of “the discipline of architecture and its sub-topics”, and as an “architectural idea, program and spatial configuration” with reference to critiques and potentials identified in the jury sessions. Finally, completing the project as a “critical and creative, new” diploma project.

Course Coordinator
Meltem Aksoy
Emirhan Kurtuluş
Betül Uyan Şentürk
Course Language
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