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Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 1 Digital Systems, Analog/Digital conversion, Number Systems, Number-Base Conversions, Binary Numbers I
2 Axiomatic Definition, Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra II
3 Boolean Functions: Canonical Forms. Digital Logic Gates II
4 Hardware Description Languages, HDL Behavior Models of Boolean Functions VII
5 Minimization: Quinn McCluskey Method II, III, IV
6 Karnaugh Diagrams, Don't-Care Conditions, Universal Gates, NAND and NOR Implementation II, III, IV
7 Analysis and Design of Combinational Circuits. II, III, IV
8 Combinational Circuit design examples with HDL. III, IV, VII
9 Middle Scale Integrated (MSI) Elements (Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers). Realization of Boolean Function using MSI elements, II, III, V
10 HDL Parametric Model of Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, Demultiplexers. HDL Model of Boolean Functions with MSI elements as Sub-Modules V, VII
11 Storage Elements: latches, Flip-Flops, HDL Model of SR Latch, SR latch with control input, D Latch, D Flip-flop VII
12 Analysis of Synchronous Sequential Circuits, Meally and Moore Finite State Machines VI
13 Design of Synchronous Sequential Circuits VI
14 HDL models of finite state machines VI, VII
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