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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Maritime / DFH 499 - Liderlik ve Kriz Yönetimi

DFH 499 - Leadership and Crisis Management

Course Objectives

1. To get be able to have skills of leadership,
2. To get be able to performing an effective leadership skills among the bridge members for safety of navigation
3. To enforce and teach crisis management and administration of ship under different emergency situations.
4. To get be able to have behaviour skill in emergency cases.

Course Description

The concept of Leadership, Leadership styles, to apply leadership and managerial skills. Bridge team working and Leadership in emergency cases, Crisis Management, Emergency situations and their procedures, Communication in a crisis management, Crowd Management, Stress Management in a crisis situation onboard. On board, Crisis management, organising and training.

Course Coordinator
Cemil Yurtören
Course Language
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