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KIM 211L - Analytical Chemistry Laboratuary

Course Objectives

1. To provide the discipline needed for the laboratory performance
2. Preparation of a chemical sample for analysis
3. The applications of Gravimetric and Titrimetric Analysis Techniques to the Analysis of Inorganic and Organic Samples
4. To be able to apply statistical analysis to the experimental data.
Dersin Öğrenme
(Course Learning Outcomes)
Bu dersi başarıyla tamamlayan öğrenciler;
1. Katyonların ve anyonların sistematik analizini
2. Titrimetrik Analiz Tekniklerini ve Becerilerini
3. Gravimetrik Analiz Tekniklerini ve Becerilerini
4. Analiz verilerinin istatistiksel analizi becerilerini kazanırlar
Students who pass the course will be able to gain
1. The expertise of systematical analysis of cations and anions,
2. The expertise of titrimetric analysis techniques
3. The expertise of gravimetric analysis techniques
4. The expertise of applying statistical analysis to the experimental data.
SenK: gg.aa.yyyy/no
27.11.2018 Rev 00

Course Description

The role of Analytical Chemistry; Selecting and handling of reagents; Cleaning of Laboratory ware; Measuring mass; Filtration and ignition of solids; Measuring volume; Calibrating Volumetric glassware; The Laboratory Notebook; Titrimetric (Volumetric) Methods; Gravimetric Methods

Course Coordinator
Ferah Çalışır
Course Language
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