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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Giysi Tasarım Yönetimi
English Garment Design Management
Course Code
TEK 416E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 - - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Selin Hanife Eryürük
Course Objectives 1. To enable the students to understand garment design process and pre-production steps in Apparel Industry
2. To give knowledge about the fashion forecasting frameworks for color, design, fabric, style and accessories
3. To enable the students to understand Collection preparation and presentation with focusing on costumer demand
4. To give knowledge about CAD systems used in garment design and pre-production steps
5. To enable the students to make ready for the industry environments
Course Description The knowledge gained throughout this course will enable you to strategically plan, manage and promote the use of design and fashion. The design process will explore the route of a design from imagination to the production.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
I. Understand the garment design process and pre-production steps
II. Understand the fashion forecasting frameworks
III. Understand the preparation of story board
IV. Understand the material searching
V. Understand the collection preparation and presentation
VI. Understand the CAD systems used in garment design and pre-production steps
Required Facilities
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