TEK 453 - English
Course Objectives
1. To give students information about synthetic and textured yarn production.
2. To teach the principles and equipment related with these technological methods
3. To teach production processes for different fiber types
Course Description
Molekül içi ve moleküller arası bağlar, polimerlerin genel davranışları, lif çekim işlemleri, germe-çekme, poliester, naylon, orlon, viskoz ve polipropilen lif çekimi, lif çekme eriyiğinin hazırlanması, lif çekimi, kıvırcıklandırma, kesme, balyalama, tekstüre işlemi, amacı, metodları, mekanik-termik metod, mekanik metod (hava jetli), tekstüre iplik tipleri.
Inter and intramolecular bonding, general behaviour of polymers, filament spinning processes, drawing, polyester, nylon, orlon, viscose and polypropylene spinning, preparation of fiber spinning melt, spinning, crimping, cutting, baling, texturing methods, mechanical-thermal method, mechanical method (air-jet), textured yarn types.
Course Coordinator
Hale Karakaş
Hale Karakaş
Course Language