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DUM 596E - Scien.Rese., Ethic&Seminar

Course Objectives

1. To learn what is science, scientific research methods

2. To learn scientific methodology, research design and data gathering

3. To learn types of scientific publications (thesis, scientific article, report etc.),

4. To learn ethical principles that need to be carried out in scientific researches and publications

5. Evaluating outstanding presentation techniques, systematically transferring the current developments in the area or one’s own work to other groups in and out of the area; in written, oral and visual forms

Course Description

Definition and development of science, scientific research approach, literature survey, research design, quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, data gathering, writing techniques for thesis, project, and scientific article, ethical principles to be followed when conducting research, ethical principles to be followed when publishing, citation ethics, tips for a successful presentation, students presentations within the scope of their thesis topics/own engineering field.

Course Coordinator
Burak Zincir
Course Language
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