Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Fakültesi / BLG 231 / Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Adı
Türkçe Sayısal Devreler
İngilizce Digital Circuits
Dersin Kodu
BLG 231 Kredi Ders
Dönem 3
3 3 - -
Dersin Dili Türkçe
Dersin Koordinatörü Serhat İkizoğlu
Dersin Amaçları 1. Learning the principles of digital electronic circuits.
2. Obtaining the ability to analyze digital circuits.
3. Obtaining the ability to choose and design the suitable circuits for a variety of digital design applications.
Dersin Tanımı Binary systems, Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates. Simplification of Boolean Functions: The Map Method, The Tabulation Method. Design and Analysis of Combinational Logic Circuits (Decimal and Binary Adder, Magnitude Comparator, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers, ROM, PLA, PAL). Synchronous Sequential Logic – Flip Flops, Analysis and Design of Clocked Sequential Circuits; Design of Counters, Shift Registers. Asynchronous Sequential Logic – Circuits with Latches. Analysis and Design Procedures of Asynchronous Sequential Logic Circuits.
Dersin Çıktıları 1. Calculating with binary numbers.
2. Ability to analyze and design of sequential logic circuits.
3. Ability to analyze and design of asequential logic circuits.
4. Knowledge to use of catalogues for proper selection of suitable components to design a logic circuit.
Gereken Olanaklar
Ders Kitabı M.Morris Mano, Michael D. Ciletti, “Digital Design”, 5th edition, Pearson, 2011
Diğer Referanslar 1. M.Morris Mano, Çevirenler: Boğosyan S., Gökaşan M., Kurtulan S., “Sayısal Tasarım”, Literatür Yayıncılık, 2002
Dersler . Yardım . Hakkında
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