ELK 332E - Elektrik Makinaları II
Dersin Amaçları
To provide an undergraduate level of knowledge on synchronous and DC machines used for generation of electric energy and driving industrial loads by means of basic magnetic field theory and energy conversion principles.
Dersin Tanımı
Construction of synchronous machines, excitation fields and their Fourier analysis, two-axis theory of salient-pole machines, reactances, armature reaction in synchronous generators and motors, equivalent circuits, characteristics at no-load and full load condition, phasor diagrams, short-circuit ratio, short-circuit current, synchronization, starting of synchronous motors, active and reactive power regulation, excitation methods, torque equations. Armature reaction, commutation, generator and motor characteristics, speed control and starting methods of DC machines.
Deniz Yıldırım
Dersin Dili