I Plasma


To make software maintenance easier, a superior quality of its design and implementation process must be ensured. For this reason, existing software must be supported by automated systems for analysis, diagnose and design improvement, at a high level as well as at a level close to source code.

iPlasma is an integrated environment for quality analysis of object-oriented software systems that includes support for all the necessary phases of analysis: from model extraction (including scalable parsing for C++ and Java) up to high-level metrics-based analysis, or detection of code duplication. iPlasma has three major advantages: extensibility of supported analysis, integration with further analysis tools and scalability, as it was used in the past to analyse large-scale projects in the size of millions of code lines (e.g. Eclipse and Mozilla).


iPlasma was successfully used for analyzing the design of more than ten real-world, industrial systems including very large open-source systems (>1 MLOC), like Mozilla (C++, 2.56 million LOC) and Eclipse, (Java, 1.36 million LOC). iPlasma was also used during several consultancy activities for industrial partners, most of them involved in developing large software applications for telecom systems. The iPlasma environment can be downloaded here.


Michele Lanza, Radu Marinescu, Object-Oriented Metrics in Practice, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3540244298/978-3540244295, 2006 (republished in 2010).

Cristina Marinescu, Radu Marinescu, Petru Florin Mihancea, Daniel Ratiu, Richard Wettel, iPlasma : An Integrated Platform for Quality Assessment of Object-Oriented Design, Proceedings of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM 2005), Tool Demonstration Track, 2005.