HSK 601E - Computer App. in Water Eng.
Dersin Amaçları
: Important technologies such as computing can be sufficiently well understood by many engineers early on, so that important decisions about whether, when and how to utilize computer based systems will be more benign than otherwise the case. Thus this is intended as an introduction to more practical applications of enginnering software, demonstrating the types of situations that an engineer will come across on a daily basis and be aware of true benefits on efficiency, flexibility and an ability to try different and better designs on water engineering.
Dersin Tanımı
Subject History. General Flow Characteristics. River Hydraulics, Water Surface Computations. Unsteady Flow, Floods, Concepts On Wave, Examples. Froude Scaling Law. Computing Water Surface Profiles, Hydrologic Routing Methods. , HEC-RAS, 1D Routing Basics. Floods; Explicit Scheme, Example Of Solution. Available Software Storm Sewer Design: Watersheds, Storm Sewer Applications. Available Software. (Storm CAD). Hydrological Modelling; Hydrological Cycle, Deterministic, Distributed and Physically Based Modelling, Available Software. (MIKE ) Culvert Hydraulics; Inlet-Outlet Control. Available Software. (Flow Master). Pressure Piping Systems; Pumps, Valves, Available Software. (Water CAD). Flood Early Warning System, Design and Operation. Hydraulic and Hydrologic Gaging, Data Transfer and Control Systems. Data Bases...
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