DTM 507E - Mühendislik Problemlerinde Sayısal Yöntemler
Dersin Amaçları
To provide a basis on numerical techniques used in engineering problems.
Dersin Tanımı
Introduction, sensitivity analysis, and interpolation.
Numerical Integration (Improper Integrals, Singular Integrals, etc.)
Matrix Computations
Matrix Computations
Iterative Methods for Linear Systems
Differentiation with Finite Differences
Numerical Solution of ODE’s
Initial Value Problems for ODE’s
Numerical Solution of ODE’s
Boundary value Problems (BVP) for ODE’s
Numerical Solutions of PDE’s
Parabolic PDE’s and BVP
Elliptic PDE’s and BVP
Hyperbolic PDE’s and BVP
Numerical Solutions of PDE’s
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