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Week Date Topics
1 Sept., 29 Introduction to food analysis
2 Oct., 6 National and international standards, sampling & sample preparation
3 Oct., 13 Good Laboratory Practices, method validation and uncertainty,
4 Oct., 20 Nutritional labeling, Proximate analysis for nutrition labeling - all available methods for moisture and protein; analyses for quantifying and characterizing individual components of proteins.
5 Oct., 27 Proximate analysis for nutrition labeling - all available methods for lipid and carbohydrate analyses, analyses for quantifying and characterizing individual components of lipids and carbohydrates
6 Oct., 30 Wet and dry ashing, low temperature plasma ashing, microwave ashing: principles and instrumentation, applications; post ashing procedures (alkalinity and solubility of ash); Mineral analyses on ash: gravimetric, titrimetric, colorimetric methods, ion-selective electrodes, atomic absorption and atomic emission spectroscopies, ICP-AES)
7 Nov., 3 1st Midterm Exam
8 Nov., 10 HPLC and Analysis of Vitamins (bioassays, microbiological assays, physico-chemical methods, UV-VIS spectrophotometry, fluorometry, liquid chromatography)
9 Nov., 17 Enzymes: Determination of enzymic activity, applications of enzymes in other analyses as analytical aids
10 Nov., 24 Contaminants: Mycotoxins and chromatographic techniques
11 Dec., 1 Contaminants: Pesticides, Animal drugs, Food additives: SO2, Food dyes (qualitative and quantitative
12 Dec., 8 2nd Midterm Exam
13 Dec., 15 Student Presentations on selected topics
14 Dec., 22 Student Presentations on selected topics
15 Dec., 29 Student Presentations on selected topics |