Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English

Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Adı
Türkçe İç Mimarlıkta Tarih ve Kuram I
İngilizce History&Theo.in Inte. Archit.I
Dersin Kodu
IAD 104E Kredi Ders
Dönem 2
3 3 - -
Dersin Dili İngilizce
Dersin Koordinatörü Betül Gelengül Ekimci
Dersin Amaçları 1. Examining the spaces of different civilizations in social, cultural, philosophical, political and material context,
2. Examining the social and physical context of selected examples in the context of current disciplinary issues
3. Evaluation and analysis of interior perception, discovering attitudes that change over time
4. Questioning the internal components of the sample studied in the context of conceptual background and theories
Dersin Tanımı Dealing with different approaches of world civilizations to “space” through examples; understanding of the developments in architecture, furniture and interior design from prehistoric ages to the fourteenth century.
Dersin Çıktıları The changing approaches to "space" throughout the prehistoric ages until the 14th century are examined through selected examples; terminology and theoretical background; encounters and interactions; traditions, continuities, and ruptures in the history of interior architecture.
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Diğer Referanslar Bowman, J. S. 1985. Furniture History, Bison Corp, NewYork, NY.
Crochet, T., 2003. Designer’s Guide to Furniture Styles, Prentice Hall.
Edwards, C., 2011. “Interior Design a Critical Introduction”, Oxford International Publishers, Oxford. pp: 207-209.
Harwood, B, B. May, C. Sherman, 2002. Architecture and Interior Design Through the 18.th Century, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Hinchman, M. 2009. History of Furniture: A Global View, Lincoln.

Farelley, L., Brown R., “Materials and Interior Design”, Laurence King Publishing, 2012.
Ireland, J. 2008. History of Interior Design, London.
Kruft, H-W.,2011. Architectural Theory From Vitruvious to the Present, Princton
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Ousterhout, R., 2019. Eastern Medieval Architecture: The Building Traditions of Byzantium and Neighboring Lands, Oxford University Press
Vitruvius, 2001. Ten Books on Architecture, Ed. Ingrid D. Rowland, Thomas Noble Howe, Paperback, ISBN:9780521002929
Pile, J. 2005. A History of Interior Design, Laurence King Publishing.
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Sylvia Sandelin Löfgren, Sven Isaksson., 2012. The oldest evidence of painted furniture from Sweden – The 12th century chair from Suntak, Journal of Archaeological Science, Volume 39, Issue 6, Pages 1665-1673.
Trachtenberg, M., 2002. Architecture: From Prehistory to Postmodernity, Harry N Abrams.
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