Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Makina Fakültesi / MAK 422E / Dersin Haftalık Planı

Dersin Haftalık Planı

Hafta Konu
1 1 Introduction & Fundamentals: The Scope of Design, The Necessity for Systematic Design, Fundamentals of Systematic Approach Fundamentals of Technical Systems Product Planning and Clarifying the Task: Product Planning, Clarifying the Task.
2 Fundamentals:, Product Design and Concurrent Product Development, Computer Aided Design and Graphics
3 Coordinate Systems, Transformations, and Curves
4 Geometric and Surface Modeling
5 Feature Based Solid Modeling
6 Assembly and Mechanisms - Midterm 1
7 Developing Macros and
8 High level functions programming
9 Process of Planning and Designing: General Problem-Solving Process, Flow of work During the Process of Planning and Designing General methods for Finding and Evaluating Solutions: Solution Finding Methods, Selection and Evaluation Methods
10 Conceptual Design: Steps of Conceptual Design, Abstracting to Identify the Essential Problems, Establishing Function Structures, Developing Working Structures, Developing Concepts, Examples of Conceptual Design
11 Embodiment Design: Steps of Embodiment Design, Checklist for Embodiment Design, Basic Rules of Embodiment Design
12 Principles of Embodiment Design: Guidelines for Embodiment Design, Evaluating of Embodiment Design.
13 Developing Size Ranges and Modular Products: Size Ranges, Modular Products Design for material, manufacturing, assembly, etc. Design for Quality: Faults and Disturbing Factors, Fault-Tree Analysis, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis.
14 Design for Minimum Cost: Cost Factors, Fundamentals of Cost Calculations, Methods for Estimating Costs, Value Analysis, Rules for Minimizing Costs.
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