MAK 104E - Intr to Comp in Mech. Eng (C)
Dersin Amaçları
1. To develop enough familiarity with the specific programming environment.
2. To develop an understanding of fundamental programming logic and programming techniques.
3. To develop the knowledge of editing, compiling, running and debugging of a program.
4. To develop a working knowledge on the computer algorithms and programming language of different numerical methods which are used to solve scientific and engineering problems.
5. To emphasize on developing the students’ ability to analyze and solve problems by using high level programming language.
Dersin Tanımı
Introduction to C programming, Program Structure, Constants and Variables, Data Types, Reading from and Writing to standard I/O (printf(), scanf(), putc() and getc() ), Expressions, Assignment Statements, Operators, Math Functions, Functions, Functions call By Value, Scope rules, Algorithm Development, Selection Structure (if / if else statement, switch-case), Loop Structures (for, while, do-while), break & continue, Arrays, Introduction to Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic, Array Pointer Relationship, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Functions call by reference, Strings, File I/O, C Data Structures, C Preprocessor.
Ali İmre Aydeniz
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