Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Makina Fakültesi / DNK 201E / Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Adı
Türkçe Dinamik
İngilizce Dynamics
Dersin Kodu
DNK 201E Kredi Ders
Dönem -
3 3 - -
Dersin Dili İngilizce
Dersin Koordinatörü Bahadır Uğurlu
Dersin Amaçları 1. to understand the key concepts and ideas of Dynamics
2. to draw successful free-body, which are essential for constructing accurate equation of motions
3. to choose the most beneficial coordinate systems for describing the motion of mechanical systems
4. to understand the differences between pseudo and real forces
5. to introduce the essentials of two fundamentally different approaches for studying dynamic problems, i.e. vector dynamics and analytical dynamics
6. to comprehend interrelated but separate principles of dynamics, understand their distinctive features, and learn to apply on proper type of problems
7. to turn engineering problems into idealized models, which are realistic enough and suitable for mathematical treatment
8. to perform dynamic analyses of rigid mechanical systems in a systematic way and to evaluate resulting dynamic configurations
9. to introduce the fundamentals of mechanical vibrations and study one-degree of systems
Dersin Tanımı Engineering Mechanics, the oldest branch of physics, interests with the effects of forces on bodies in its most general sense, e.g. systems performing specific movements, structures carrying loads in certain environments, ever-standing buildings, etc. Last term you studied the equilibrium of stationary rigid bodies within the Statics course, and developed the foundational knowledge, ideas and skills for Engineering Mechanics. By means of Dynamics, we’ll raise our vantage point and look at the more challenging problem of bodies in motion. Throughout the course, first the motion itself will be investigated without getting interest into the causes behind (kinematics), then by calling the forces into the scene, the equilibrium of moving bodies will be studied (kinetics), so that we can generate the equation of motion, enabling us to see the trajectory of a body at once. At this part of the course, we’ll encounter several different approaches, each bringing new perspectives.
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