Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Mimarlık Fakültesi / TES 111E / Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Adı
Türkçe PR I Fall 21-22
İngilizce Project I Fall 21-22
Dersin Kodu
TES 111E Kredi Ders
Dönem 1
5 2 6 -
Dersin Dili İngilizce
Dersin Koordinatörü Mine Özkar Kabakçıoğlu
Dersin Amaçları 1. to acquire the habit of individual study.
2. to acquire the ability of perception and interpretation of space, and explanation of thoughts on space by using different representation techniques in various scales such as urban/landscape/building/interior space and object-product.
3. to acquire the ability of critical thinking and appraisal of profession-related entities and the environment, acquaintance with profession-related elements of space and environment.
4. to question human activities and their ways of functioning.
5. to gain the expertise in using the fundamental terminology of profession.
Dersin Tanımı Applying various presentation techniques through simple design problems; developing a spatial understanding related to urban/landscape/building/interior space/product-related problems; understanding, interpreting and representing those entities; using 2D - 3D drawings and modelling on a given design problem; use of computer techniques through design work; aptitude in explication of ideas through a personalized visual language; enhancement of intuition relevant to issues of design such as building construction and structural systems through simple design problems; discussion on the relationship of urban/landscape/building/interior space/product related materials with the environment through small scaled design exercises; understanding, interpreting and evaluating natural, historical and cultural environments
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