Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Mimarlık Fakültesi / TES 113E / Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Adı
Türkçe Temel tasarım ve görsel sanatlar
İngilizce Basic Design & Visual Arts
Dersin Kodu
TES 113E Kredi Ders
Dönem 1
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Dersin Dili İngilizce
Dersin Koordinatörü Başak Avcı
Dersin Amaçları TES113E Basic Design and Visual Arts is a practice-based course to explore, discuss and interpret foundational issues and fundamental principles of art and design. As an integrated and important component of the Foundation Studio I program, it welcomes first year students with basic theoretical and practical knowledge on a variety of elements and concepts of design, analyses of natural and man-made artifacts and environments, and creativity. Course hours include presentations on concepts, in-class production, and pin-up discussions.
Dersin Tanımı TES113E Basic Design and Visual Arts is a practice-based course to explore, discuss and interpret foundational issues and fundamental principles of art and design. As an integrated and important component of the Foundation Studio I program, it welcomes first year students with basic theoretical and practical knowledge on a variety of elements and concepts of design, analyses of natural and man-made artifacts and environments, and creativity. Course hours include presentations on concepts, in-class production, and pin-up discussions.
Dersin Çıktıları Students who complete the course satisfactorily students will:
1. be able to uniquely and sophisticatedly express themselves in visual and discursive means
2. have a sensitivity in visualization and their unique technique
3. have developed their creative and critical thinking skills
4. have developed their way of expressing their ideas in two- and three-dimensional media
Önkoşullar The course will be held in class (face to face) during the hours announced in the weekly program [Wednesday, 08.30–12.30] and in accordance with the necessary precautions of the Covid-19 pandemic. Course instructors and students will meet in the allocated studio(s) unless specified otherwise by the course instructors. Each student will have a designated work area during the course hours. General assemblies or presentations related to the course may be held in the studio using a virtual platform or in one of the conference rooms in Taşkışla.
Gereken Olanaklar Digital platforms will be used during and outside of class hours to communicate, conduct research, produce and share work. Ninova (Section’s common CRN) will be used for announcements, access to live or recorded Zoom sessions, and digital submissions. Additionally, instructors may designate other platforms for announcements and sharing work. We also plan to use supporting platforms such as Google Drive, Miro, and Google Jamboard to share work within the class community and collaborate. It is highly advised that each student has a laptop computer with the necessary equipment/hardware. Students are advised to use a computer with access to WiFi, a camera, basic word and picture editing software, and sound features.
Diğer Student works are commonly put under the spotlight for discussion. These discussions serve the purpose of articulating the assessment criteria and conveying suggestions for students to develop their work. In these open discussions, students are expected to develop critical perspectives and proactively voice them in the course.
Ders Kitabı 1 D.A. Schön: The reflective Practitioner, Basic Books, 1994

2 W. Lidwell, K. Holden, J. Butler: Universal Principles of Design, Rockport, 2003

3 L. Fichner-Rathus Foundations of Art and Design, Cengage Learning, 2015

4 R. Arnheim, Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye, University of California Press, 1997

5 G. Rickey, Constructivism: Origins and Evolution, George Braziller, 1995

6 G. Wyszecki, W.S. Stiles, Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae, Wiley, 1982

7 J. Thompson: How to Read a Modern Painting, Understanding and Enjoying the Modern Masters, Thames and Hudson, 2008
Diğer Referanslar S

Announcements, including those on the media that will be used during a lesson, will take place on Ninova. You are responsible to remain up to date about them. The submissions will be announced and collected using Ninova and other digital platforms. Use of other software for online collaboration, such as ‘Miro’ and ‘Jamboard,’ will be announced when applicable. Submission of a work later than the deadline implies the grade zero.
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