SBP 105E - Başka Dünyalar
Dersin Amaçları
1. Edebi metinleri kullanarak toplum ve mekan üzerine analiz yapılması ve fikir üretilmesi.
2. Farklı toplum biçimlerini ve mekânsal kurgularını anlayarak bunların alternatif gelecek senaryoları ile ilişkilerinin kurulması.
3. Belli başlı toplumsal ve kentsel dinamiklerin tanıtılması ve tartışılması.
4. Teknolojik yeniliklerin insan toplulukları ve yerleşmeleri üzerindeki etkisinin tanıtılması.
5. Öğrencilerin bilim kurgu ve fantastik edebiyatın temel eserleri ile tanıştırılması.
Dersin Tanımı
The primary aim of this course is to introduce students the major works of science fiction and fantastic literature. Excerpts of master-works from different sub-genres will be read and discussed throughout the semester for this purpose. At the end, students will be familiar to the fantastic and science fiction literature and hopefully they will expand their libraries according to their own taste.
The course does not only focus on different sub-genres of science fiction and fantastic literature, but also evaluates them systematically with relation to the dynamics of society and the human condition in general. Particular attention is paid to the settlements and spatial structures that can be considered as “cities” within the context of stories. By doing this, the course aims to contribute to the education process of students by helping them understanding what “the urban” means for human societies.
Finally the course aims to establish connection with the basic scientific facts that establish the background of science fiction novels. In this way, it is aimed to help students gain creative thinking skills, which are based on the given scientific and social conditions, and can evolve in various ways leading to many alternative futures.
Ervin Sezgin
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