Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English

Dersin Bilgileri

Dersin Adı
Türkçe Nonwovens
İngilizce Nonwovens
Dersin Kodu
PAZ 331 Kredi Ders
Dönem -
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Dersin Dili İngilizce
Dersin Koordinatörü Ümmühan Telem Gök Sadıkoğlu
Dersin Amaçları 1. To teach the students nonwoven production methods and product properties,
2. To teach how to determine the end-use according to nonwoven type.
3. to give information about the current situation of nonwoven industry in Turkey and in the world.
Dersin Tanımı Types, properties, production methods, end-uses of nonwovens; raw materials used in the production of nonwovens; web formation methods, web consolidation methods and web finishing methods.
Dersin Çıktıları Students will have,
1. the fundamental knowledge of nonwovens,
2. the fundamental knowledge of nonwoven production methods,
3. the ability to determine the type of production method of a nonwoven,
4. the ability to determine the end-use of a nonwoven product,
5. the ability to choose the raw material for a certain type of production.
Gereken Olanaklar
Ders Kitabı Nonwoven Textiles, Oldrich Jirsak, Larry C.Wadsworth,ISBN 0-89089-978-8
Diğer Referanslar 1. S.Batra, B.Pourdeyhimi, Introduction to Nonwoven Technology, DEStECH Publications, Inc., 2012
2. W.Albrecht, H.Fuchs, W.Kittelmann, Nonwoven Fabrics, WILEY-VCH
3. A.Turbak, Nonwovens, Tappi Press, Atlanta , Georgia, 1993
1. F.M.Buresh, Nonwoven Fabrics, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, London, 1982
Dersler . Yardım . Hakkında
Ninova, İTÜ Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı ürünüdür. © 2025