Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Uçak ve Uzay Bilimleri Fakültesi / UZB 362E / Dersin Haftalık Planı

Dersin Haftalık Planı

Hafta Konu
1 Introduction; Thermodynamics Review; Definition of Compressibility; Governing Equations
Normal Shock Waves
2 Normal Shock Waves (cont’d)
Oblique Shock Waves
3 Expansion Waves
Expansion Waves (cont’d)
4 Compressible Flow through Nozzles
Diffusers, and Wind Tunnels
5 Subsonic Compressible Flow over Airfoils: Linear Theory
Subsonic Compressible Flow over Airfoils: Linear Theory
6 Linearized Supersonic Flow
Linearized Supersonic Flow (cont’d)
7 Introduction to Numerical Techniques for Nonlinear Supersonic Flow
Elements of Hypersonic Flow
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