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UCK 362E
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Course Information
Course Name
Otomatik Kontrol
Automatic Control
Course Code
UCK 362E
Course Language
Course Coordinator
İsmail Bayezit
Course Objectives
I. The concept applies to many systems that stem from a diverse set of aerospace, mechanical, chemical and electronic engineering applications. Learn to design (analyze and synthesize) SISO (single-input-single-output) controllers for a variety problems arising in fields such as aerospace, mechanical systems, chemical plants and electronic systems.
II. Our class focus is on principles of dynamic modeling and controller design for mechanical and mechatronic systems. Based on these models, know how to build mathematical models of more complex systems.
III. Design basic types of controllers, including P, PI, PID.
IV. Develop a solid background for studying more advanced controls and control application topics, such as embedded control systems, robust control, and adaptive control
V. Improve your understanding in realistic modeling and control design with many workshops.
From the computational perspective,
VI. Through out the lectures and homework, you will see (and you will actually build your own skills, too) extensive usage of Matlab and Simulink.
Course Description
Introduction to automatic control systems. Brief history of automatic control. Classification of control systems. Principles of control. Open loop systems. Closed loop systems. Laplace transform method. Properties of Laplace transform. Transfer functions and block diagrams. Signal flow graphs. Analysis of control systems in the time domain. First order systems. Second order systems. Time responses of systems. Steady-state error of systems. State space representation of linear systems. Stability analysis of linear feedback control systems. The concept of stability. Routh Hurwitz stability criterion. The root locus concept. Root locus method. The root locus procedures. Control Design with Root-Locus Method. Preliminary Design Considerations. Lead Compensation. Lag Compensation. Lag-Lead Compensation, P, PI, PD, and PID control methods.
Course Outcomes
1. understanding the basic definitions and principles of automatic control
2. have a basic knowledge on various types of aerospace, mechanical, electrical, etc. dynamical systems
3. have a knowledge about Laplace transform method and properties of the transformation
4. be able to obtain transfer functions and state space representation of dynamical systems
5. be able to understand the representation of open loop and closed loop control systems
6. have a knowledge about the time domain analyze of control systems, to split them as transient and steady state responses
7. be able to understand the transfer functions of the first and second order systems, and the notion of steady state error
8. be able to understand the concept of stability and the satability methods of the linear systems
9. have a knowledge of root locus analyze method of control systems
10. be able to understand freqency response of LTI systems
11. to have a knowledge of Matlab and Simulink programming in control systems
(MAT 201 min DD or MAT 201E min DD) and (DNK 201 min DD or DNK 201E min DD) and ((ELE211 min DD or ELE211E min DD) or (ELK211 min DD or ELK211E min DD))
Required Facilities
Modern Control Systems, Richard C. Dorf, Robert H. Bishop 2016, 13th edition, ISBN-10: 0134407628 | ISBN-13: 978-0134407623
Other References
- Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Gene Franklin, J. David Powell and Abbas Emami-Naeini, 2009, 6th Edition, ISBN-10: 0136019692
- Modern Control Engineering, Katsuhiko Ogata, 2010, 5th Ed (or any older edition), Prentice Hall.
- Automatic Control, Benjamin C. Kuo and Farid Golnaraghi
- Control Sytems Engineering, Norman Nice, Addison-Wesley, 2011
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