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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Termodinamik II
English Thermodynamics II
Course Code
UCK 206E Credit Lecture
Semester 3
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ali Kodal
Course Objectives Main objective of this course to prepare the students to effectively use the first and the second laws of thermodynamics in every kind of engineering applications.
Course Description The second law of Thermodynamics for closed and open systems. Entropy. Steady-State and Steady-Flow processes. Uniform-State and Uniform-Flow processes. Exergy (availability) and irreversibility. Gas power cycles. Ideal Air-standard cycles. Vapor and combined power cycles. Refrigeration cycles.
Course Outcomes The expected outputs of the UCK 206E Thermodynamics II class of the Aeronautical engineering and the Astronautical engineering departments students are shown below:
1. Understanding the second law of thermodynamics, principle of entropy and reality of cycles. (a3,c3,e3,f1,h2,i2,j1,k2)*
2. Understanding the principles of availability and work destruction. (a3,c3,e3,h2,i2,j1,k2)*
3. Understanding power cycles, the differences between ideal and real cases, and application basis of these to the engines of aircraft and space vehicles. (a3,c3,e3,h2,i2,j1,k2)*
4. Understanding of the basic principles of steam and combined power systems. (a3,c3,e3,h2,i2,j1,k2)*
5. Understanding of the basic principles of refrigeration systems. (a3,c3,e3,h2,i2,j1,k2)*
Pre-requisite(s) UCK205E
Required Facilities
Textbook Çengel Y. A. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, McGraw Hill, 7th ed., 2012.
Other References
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