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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Uçak Müh. Giriş ve Etik
English Introduction to Aeronautics and Ethics
Course Code
UCK 101 Credit Lecture
Semester -
1 1 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Gökhan İnalhan
Course Objectives 1. To give basic information about aviation in Turkey and World.
2. To give information about aircraft types, their components and the basics of flight.
3. To give general information about ethics, rights, and responsibilities.
Course Description Emphasizing the history and evaluation of the aviation in Turkey and all around the World. Understanding definition and classification of the air vehicles, and giving general knowledge about aviation. Create an awareness about engineering ethics.
Course Outcomes 1. To have knowledge about the development of aviation in the world and Turkey. 2. To have knowledge about main component of aircrafts and their types.
3. Will be able to have basic knowledge about the forces acting on the air vehicle, aerodynamic forces and moments and principles of flight
4. To have basic knowledge about aircraft wings, tails, high-lift devices, control and control surfaces
5. To have basic knowledge about ITU, our Department, education, courses, ethical values, rights and responsibilities
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