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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Aeronautics and Astronautics / MTO 438 - Havacılık Meteorolijisi


Course Objectives

Meteorological Engineering students will gain and learn air movements, meteorological events, aviation risks, weather forecast, several meteorological reports used in aviation, planing and brifing, ability to design aerodrome.

Course Description

Introduction. Some meteorological definitions used in aviation. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standard atmosphere, pressure and pressure measurement in aviation (QFE, QNH, QNE values, altimeters). Actual weather report and weather forecast in aviation (Metar, Speci, Taf). Importance of wind speed and direction on the aerodrome. Clear air turbulence detection and prediction. Upper air AIRMET reports and GAMET field estimation reports. Importance of jet stream in aviation. Icing in aviation. Volcanic eruptions and Contrails in aviation. Analysis of meteorological visibility and fog. Sigmet and SWC reports. Flying in front, emergency reports, early warning systems. The design of flight planning between two airports for different atmospheric conditions based on ICAO rules and standarts. The design of aerodrome location and runways according to the different meteorological parameters and devices based on ICAO standards.

Course Coordinator
Şükran Sibel Menteş
Course Language
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