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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Hava Analizi ve Tahmini II
English Weather Analysis and Prediction II
Course Code
MTO 322E Credit Lecture
Semester 7
4 3 - 2
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Mikdat Kadıoğlu
Course Objectives The main objectives of this course are;
1. A deeper understanding of mid-latitude weather systems from both a theoretical and practical perspective,
2. Understanding of the steps that go into a forecast, including assimilation of observations, numerical weather prediction, and statistical guidance.
3. Proficiency in forecasting by applying concepts from lecture and lab to real world examples.
Course Description This course examines the processes responsible for day to day weather variations, and the operational techniques used in their analysis and forecasting. This includes both research and operational approaches to the study of synoptic scale weather systems and their local impact. Dynamic and thermodynamic principles of atmospheric science applied to the development and evolution of synoptic systems. The course involves an application of dynamic and thermodynamic principles of atmospheric science applied to the development and evolution of synoptic systems and the use and interpretation of computer-generated forecast guidance products. It examines important phenomena such as jet streaks, fronts, and vorticity maxima that govern the weather over thousands of square kilometers during the course of a few days, but also those that affect the weather experienced in a local area.
Course Outcomes On completion of the course students should be able to;
1. The student has an deep understanding of theories which explain the development of a variety of weather systems in the mid-latitudes.
2. The student is able to accurately described different weather situations both in writing and orally.
3. The student has the ability to accurately interpret weather maps, observations, and numerical model output in an effective and meaningful way.
4. The student is able to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-life weather situations to diagnose the physical processes acting and to understand why this weather situation has developed and to predict (forecast) how it will change in the near future.
5. The student is able to give coherent and in-depth explanations of why the weather is doing what it is by applying and integrating different aspects of theory.
Pre-requisite(s) Weather Analysis and Prediction II
Required Facilities
Other References
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