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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yapısal Analiz ve Tasarım
English Structural Analysis and Design
Course Code
UCK 328E Credit Lecture
Semester 6
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Halit Süleyman Türkmen
Course Objectives 1. To introduce the concepts, principles and fundamentals of structural design.
2. To enable that the students can be applied their knowledge on the materials, strength of materials, mechanical vibrations and other fields to the design of structures.
3. To ensure effective use of a finite element software to analyze and design the structures
Course Description Structural design process, Aerospace structures and materials, Loads and structural integrity, Modeling and analysis using finite element method, Trusses, beams and frames, Plane stress and plane strain problems, Plates and shells, Thin-walled structures, Stiffened panels, Composite structures, Axisymmetric structures, General structures, Design project.
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. Understand basic concepts of structural analysis and design
2. Perform static, buckling, and vibration analysis of structures using a finite element software
3. Model, analyze and design truss and frame structures
4. Model, analyze and design plate and shell structures
5. Model, analyze and design stiffened panels and composite structures
6. Model, analyze and design axial symmetric structures and general structures
7. Obtain temperature distributions on structures and analyze thermal stresses
Pre-requisite(s) MUK 204 MIN DD veya/or MUK 204E MIN DD
Required Facilities
Textbook Charles E. Knight, Jr., 1993, The Finite Element Method In Mechanical
Design, PWS-Kent Pub. Co. (Boston), ISBN:0534931871.
Other References Atila Ertas and Jesse C. Jones, 1996, The Engineering Design Process, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN:0471136999.
Saeed Moaveni, 2007, Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Applications with
ANSYS, Prentice Hall, ISBN:0131890808.
Eliahu Zahavi, 1991, The Finite Element Method in Machine Design, Prentice
Hall College Div, ISBN:0133182398.
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