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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Enerji Meteorolojisine Giriş
English Introduction To Energy Meteorology
Course Code
MTO 460 Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 2 1 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ahmet Duran Şahin
Ahmet Duran Şahin
Course Objectives Renewable energy sources in the world and their usage, Wind occurrence and effective parameters, General and local wind systems, Wind statistics, Determination wind energy potential , Wind energy potential estimation models, Wind turbines, Fundementals of solar energy, models of solar energy, Collectors and photovoltaic systems, Solar energy potential in Turkey, Atmospheric effects to energy efficiency, Hydropower and Wave energies, hybrid systems. Energy and environmental relation, efficiency analysis, calculation and analysis power systems investments return periods.
Course Description Renewable energy sources in the world and their usage, Wind occurrence and effective parameters, General and local wind systems, Wind statistics, Determination wind energy potential , Wind energy potential estimation models, Wind turbines, Fundementals of solar energy, models of solar energy, Collectors and photovoltaic systems, Solar energy potential in Turkey, Atmospheric effects to energy efficiency, Hydropower and Wave energies, hybrid systems. Energy and environmental relation, efficiency analysis, calculation and analysis power systems investments return periods.
Course Outcomes
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