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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İklim Bilimi
English Climatology
Course Code
MTO 254 Credit Lecture
Semester 4
- 2 1 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Yurdanur Ünal
Course Objectives 1. An understanding of the components of the earth/atmosphere system: radiation and energy balance, the hydrological cycle, and the general circulation.
2. An understanding of climate on global, regional, and local scales
Course Description Climate system, climatological processes, general circulation, climate classification, climate change and variability, past, current and future climates.
Course Outcomes 1. To be able to understand the climate system and complex interaction among the climate system components
2. To understand how remote/ultimate causes can govern local/proximate responses.
3. To be able to characterize the climates of different regions around the globe, including both the regional controls of climate and their expression in the long-term average conditions in those regions.
4. To be able to explain hydrological cycle and its relation to climate.
5. To identify the physical and dynamical processes to be responsible of the climate of tropics, middle latitudes and higher latitudes
6. To have an idea about climate change, causes and future projections
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities Computer
Textbook 1. Rohli and Vega, Climatology, Sudbury, MA, Jones and Barlett Learning, 2015, p: 425 ISBN-13: 9781284032307
2. Barry and Hall-McKim Essentials of the Earth’s Climate System, Cambridge University Press, 2014, p:259
Other References 1. Hartmann, D.L., Global Physical Climatology, New York: Academic Press,411 pp., 1994.
2. Peixoto, J.P., and A.H. Oort, Physics of Climate , New York: American Inst. Physics, 520 pp., 1992
3. IPCC, reports.
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