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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Gezegenlerin Atmosferlerine Giriş
English Introduction to planetary Atmospheres
Course Code
MTO 461E Credit Lecture
Semester 3
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Zerefşan Kaymaz
Course Objectives To study the atmospheres and climates of the planets comparatively.
Course Description Origin of Solar System: The Sun as our star. Formation of Planets. Inner and Outer Planets. Origin and Evolution of Planetary Atmospheres. Primitive Atmospheres. Secondary Atmospheres. Gravitational Effects. Escapes of the Planetary Atmospheres. Structure and Composition of Planetary Atmospheres: Atmospheric composition. Atmospheric structure. Planetary Temperature and greenhouse effect on planets. Radiative transfer of heat on planets. Energy. Clouds on planets. Dynamics of Planetary atmospheres: Winds on rotating planets. Special topics in Mars and Venus’s atmospheres. Planetary ionospheres and magnetospheres. Climate evolution: Factors influencing climate on planets. Ice Ages. Long term climatic changes. Nuclear winter. Evolution of live and its effects on atmospheric formation.
Course Outcomes 1. To understand Star, Solar system, and Sun’s formation and how solar activity and solar energy produced
2. To understand how the atmospheres of the planets evolved.
3. To understand the radiative and energy balance processes in different planet’s atmospheres
4. To understand the cloud processes on different planets
5. To understand the mechanisms that drive winds on different planets
6. To study and compare the ionospheres and magnetospheres on different planets
7. To understand and study the short and long term climate variability
8. To study Venus and Mars’s atmospheres
9. To study and understand the history of Martian climate.
10.To study and understand the evolution of life
11. To study atmospheres of giant planets
12. To study habitable zones in the universe
Required Facilities
Textbook Planetary Atmospheres, 2009, F.W. Taylor, Oxford University Press
Other References 1. 2010, An Introduction to Planetary Atmospheres, Agustin Sanchez-Lavega, CRC Press.
2. 1999, Sun-Earth Plasma Connections, J.L. Burch, R.L. Carovillano, and S.K. Antiochos, AGU Monog.
3. 1998, Universe, E. Chaisson, Prentice Hall Press.
4. 1997, Physics of the polar upper atmosphere, A. Drekke, John Wiley and Sons Pub.
5. 1997, Sun, Earth, and Sky, K.R. Lang, Springer Verlag Pub.
6. 1995, Introduction to Space Physics, M.G. Kivelson and C.T. Russell, Cambridge Univ. Press.
7. 1994, Introduction to Space Environment, T. Tascione, Orbit Pub.
8. 1993, Moons and Planets, W.K. Hartman, Wadsworth Pub. Comp.
9. 1992, The Solar-Terrestrial Environment, J.K. Hargreaves, Cambridge Univ. Pub.
10. 1990, The New Solar System, J. K. Beatty, B.O’leary and A. Chaikin, Cambridge University Press.
11. 1989, Theory of Planetary Atmospheres, T. Chamberlain and D. Hunten, Academic Press
12. 1989, Origin and Evolution of Planetary and Satellite Atmospheres, S.K. Atreya, J.B. Pollack, and M. S. Matthews, Uni. of Arizona Press.
13. 1986, The physics of Atmospheres, J. T. Houghton, Cambridge Univ. Pub.
14. 1984, Planets and Their Atmosphere: Origin and Evolution, J.S. Lewis, and R.G. Prinn, New York: Academic Press.
15. There will be lecture notes on the web, when available.
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