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UCK 328E - Structural Analysis and Design

Course Objectives

1. To introduce the concepts, principles and fundamentals of structural design.
2. To enable that the students can be applied their knowledge on the materials, strength of materials, mechanical vibrations and other fields to the design of structures..
3. To ensure effective use of a finite element software to analyze and design the structures

Course Description

Structural design process, Structural design elements and material selection, Structural failures, Modeling and simulation using finite element method, Trusses, beams and frames, Plane stress and plane strain problems, Plates and shells, Thin-walled structures, Stiffened panels, Composite structures, Axisymmetric solids, General solids, Vibration of structures, Buckling of structures, Thermal stresses, Design project.

Course Coordinator
Seher Eken
Course Language
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