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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Atmosfer Dinamiği I
English Atmospheric Dynamics I
Course Code
MTO 337E Credit Lecture
Semester 5
3 2 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Yurdanur Ünal
Course Objectives 1. To interpret the terms in the governing equations;
2. To understand the relations between variables in the equations;
3. To recognize the strengths and limits of simplified solutions to the governing equations
Course Description Physical dimensions and units, Total differentiation, Equation of motion in Cartesian coordinates, Fundamental forces, Noninertial reference frames and apparent forces, Equation of motion in spherical coordinates, Scale analysis of equation of motion, Geostrophic approximation, Structure of the static atmosphere, Hydrostatic approximation, Continuity equation, Thermodynamic energy equation, Geopotential, Barometric formulas, Static stability and convection, Parcel method, Stability criteria in terms of potential temperature, Basic equations in isobaric coordinates. Natural coordinates, balanced flow
Course Outcomes 1. Explain the physical meanings of the fundamental equation terms that manage the atmospheric motions for variously scaled motions,
2. Explain the leading effects of the conservation laws of momentum, mass and energy over atmospheric motions.
3. Determine the effects of the visible forces that appear by the rotation of earth like Coriolis and Centrifugal forces over atmospheric motions.
4. Understand the fundamental laws of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics that manage the atmospheric motions to determine the occurred weather and climate,
5. Demonstrate knowledge when and how to apply assumptions to simplify the equations
6. Demonstrate knowledge of balanced and unbalanced flows that form the basis for the depiction of atmospheric motions
Required Facilities Computer lab
Textbook Holton, J. R. and G. J. Hakim, 2013.An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology,5th Edition, Elsevier Academic Press, 532 pp., ISBN 978-0-12-384866.
Other References Bluestein, H.B., 1993, Dynamic Meteorology in MidLatitude, Vol I,II, Oxford University Press, New York.
Holton, J.R., Çeviren Yunus Borhan, 2009, Dinamik Meteorolojiye Giriş, An Introduction to Dynamic Met., OYTEV Orhan Yavuz Teknik Eğitim Vakfı
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