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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Uçuş Kararlılığı ve Kontölü
English Flight Stability and Control
Course Code
UCK 441E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Elbrus Jafarov
Course Objectives 1.Aircraft flight stability and control is one of a basic necessary courses for
teaching of an aeronautical engineering students.
2.This subject is given to students after Aerodynamics, Flight Mechanics and
Automatic Control courses.
3.Stability and control are among the most important aspects of the analysis
and design of aircrafts.
4.Analysis of flying and handling characteristics and successful design of
automatic flight control systems.
Course Description Introduction. Basic definitions of flight mechanics, control and control surfaces.
General structure of flight control systems. Aircraft static and dynamic stability and
stability derivatives. Static longitudinal and lateral stability. Aircraft longitudinal
and lateral dynamic equations. Nonlinear dynamic equations. Linearization of
equations. Longitudinal and lateral transfer functions. Longutinal modes of motion.
Short and long period approximation. Transient response of aircraft dynamic.
Basic concept of aircraft control systems. The types of autopilot. Autopilot design.
Design of displacement autopilot by the Root Locus method. Inner and outer loop
concepts. Pitch orientational control system. Root locus analysis. Acceleration
control system. Matlab Simulink simulation of aircraft autopilots.
Course Outcomes -
Pre-requisite(s) -
Required Facilities
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