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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Havacılık Meteorolijisi
English Aeronautical Meteorology
Course Code
MTO 338 Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 2 1 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Emrah Tuncay Özdemir
Course Objectives Introduction, some meteorological expressions used in aviation, ICAO standard atmosphere, pressure and pressure measurement in aviation (QFE, QNH, QNE values, altimeters), actual weather report and weather forecast in aviation (Metar, speci, taf), importance of wind on the aerodrome, clear air turbulence prediction, importance of jet stream in aviation, icing in aviation, contrails in aviation, fog prediction methods (Sounders and Krick), sigmet report, flying in front, emergency reports, early warning systems, briefing methods and applications.
Course Description Introduction, some meteorological expressions used in aviation, ICAO standard atmosphere, pressure and pressure measurement in aviation (QFE, QNH, QNE values, altimeters), actual weather report and weather forecast in aviation (Metar, speci, taf), importance of wind on the aerodrome, clear air turbulence prediction, importance of jet stream in aviation, icing in aviation, contrails in aviation, fog prediction methods (Sounders and Krick), sigmet report, flying in front, emergency reports, early warning systems, briefing methods and applications.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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