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MTO 340 - Atmospheric Dynamics II

Course Objectives

Thermal wind relationship, Absolute angular momentum, Circulation and vorticity, Circulation theorem, Land and sea breezes, Potential vorticity, Vorticity equation, Scale analysis of the vorticity equation, Atmospheric oscillations, Linear perturbation theory, Simple wave types, Atmospheric waves, Gravity waves, Rossby waves, Quasi-geostrophic theory, potential vorticity and vertical motion.

Course Description

Thermal wind relationship, Absolute angular momentum, Circulation and vorticity, Circulation theorem, Land and sea breezes, Potential vorticity, Vorticity equation, Scale analysis of the vorticity equation, Atmospheric oscillations, Linear perturbation theory, Simple wave types, Atmospheric waves, Gravity waves, Rossby waves, Quasi-geostrophic theory, potential vorticity and vertical motion.

Course Coordinator
Emrah Tuncay Özdemir
Course Language
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