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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Isı Geçişi
English Heat Transfer
Course Code
UZB 317E Credit Lecture
Semester 6
- 2 1 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Cemil Kurtcebe
Course Objectives 1 .Explain the physical origins of heat transfer, identify important modes of heat transfer in a
given situation, and make appropriate assumptions
2.lmproving ability of solving the heat transfer problems analtically and numerically
Course Description Brief history. Introduction to Heat transfer. Conservation of Energy.
Conduction Heat Transfer. Steady conduction. Transient conduction. The Critical Thickness of insulation. Numerical Methods. Introduction to convection. The concept of thermal boundary layer. Forced convection Heat exchangers. Radiation heat transfer: Blackbody radiation. Gray
surfaces. Stefan-Boltzmann law. Electrical analogy. View factor. Radiant heat transfer between gray surfaces.
Course Outcomes Student, who passed tha course saüsfactorily can:
Explain the physica! origtns of heat transfer, Identify important modes of heat transfer in a given
situation, amJ make appropriate assumptions- [a1,e1.h1,i1.jlj]
Calculate heat transfer rats and temperature distribution in steady-state one-dimensional heat
conduction problems. [a3,e3]
Sketch temperature profiles in one-dimenslonal heat transfer, showing the qualilative influence of
energy generation, non-planar georretry, or time dependence. [a2j]
4.. Catculate the rale of steady heat transfer in fins, and unsteady heat transferin lumpedcapacitance and serni-lnMte solid problems. [a3,e3]
5, Expiain the terms in dia governing eguations for convective heat transfer. {a1J 8. Öbtain tha
heat transfer coeffictents for forced convection from correlations.[b2J]
Estimate convective transfer rates on the basis of geometnc and dynamic similarity, and analogy
between different convective transport processes. [a3,e3]
Exptain how radiation can be described based on its wavetength, source, and direction, and
explain the baslc concepts of blackbody radiation, reflectivity, emissivity, and absorptivity for
surface radi
Appiy the Iaws of radiation to compute heat transfer rates for surfaces, such as black bodies and
diffuse gray surfaces, with appropriate approximations. [a3,e3J]
Apply the laws of radiation to compute heat transfer rates for surfaces, such as black bodies and
diffuse gray surfaces, with appropriate approximations. [a3,e3J]
Pre-requisite(s) UCK 212 MIN DD
or UCK 212E MIN DD
or UCK 205 MIN DD
or UCK 205E MIN DD
or MAT 201 MIN DD
or MAT 201E MIN DD
or MAT 210 MIN DD
or MAT 210E MIN DD
Required Facilities -
Other -
Textbook Heat and Mass Transfer, Fundamentals and Applications 6ed Yunus A. Cengel, Afshin J. Ghajar McGraw Hill 2020.
Other References Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 7ed Theodore L. Bergman, Adrienne S. Lavine, Frank P. Incropera,David P. Dewitt, John Wiley and Sons 2011.
Kakaç, S., 1990, Örneklerle Isı Transferi, ODTÜ, yayın no: 27
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