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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Uçak Mühendisliğine Giriş ve Etik
English Introduction to Aeronautics and Ethic
Course Code
UCK 111E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Cemil Kurtcebe
Course Objectives 1.To give the basic information about aeronautics in Turkey and the World
2.To give the basic information about aircrafts, basics of flight and aircraft
3.To give the basic information about engineering ethics
Course Description Introduction. Development of the aeronautics in the World and in Turkey.
Aerostatics: Manometers, atmosphere, aerostatic lift. Forces on an aircraft.
Aerodynamic lift, drag. General description of an aircraft. Types of aircraft.
Main elements of an aircraft. Wing, body, tail surfaces, command surfaces,
power plant, landing gears. Aircraft systems. Pressurization, climate, heating.
Other air vehicles. Engineering ethic
Course Outcomes 1. Have a knowledge about the development of aeronautics in the World and Turkey
2. Have a knowledge about aircraft types and mean aircraft elements
3. Have a basic knowledge about forces acting on aircraft, aerodynamic forces and
moments and basics of fligth
4. Have a basic knowledge about aircraft wings and tails, high-lift elements, control
and command surfaces
5. Have a general knowledge about aicraft bodies, landing gears, power systems
and other aircraft systems
6. Have a knowledge about engineering ethics
Pre-requisite(s) none
Required Facilities Calculator
Textbook J.D. Anderson, 1989, Introduction to Flight, McGraw Hill.
Other References Peter P. Wegener, 1997, What Makes Airplanes Fly?, Springer.

H. Tennekes, 1996, Title The simple science of flight : from insects to jumbo jets, Cambridge MIT Press.

M.A. Yükeselen, 2005, Uçak Mühendisliğine Giriş ve Etik Ders Notları. http:/www3.itu.edu.tr/~yukselen.
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